The Source, in Short...
Between Rishikesh and Amritsar I managed to do a bitty trek to the Source of the Ganges. It was a good time and the cold was sooooo welcomed by my body. The views were sickly stunning and I managed to get upon a glacier that took my breath away at over 4500m.
The hole beneath that massive ice is where
Ganga begins
I caught--and still have a bug, call it Giardia--in Rishikesh I think and it's one of those nasty recurring things; though not too serious...just shitty.
It was difficult to leave Rishikesh where I'd established a sort of home with neighbors: the morning yoga followed by a dip in the ganga which really does yield some profound feeling; the mueslix, fruit, and curd prepared by myself, the mango lassi, the great chats about everything from marriage to castes in Indian tradition with the owners, the hammock swinging reads that had me constantly was all great. However, I desired strongly to get up to Amritsar and later Dharamsala...thus, end of one thing is the beginning of another...get goin'.
The party continues to fill my cup so I can't offer anything except a few photos here and a few more in the folder here.
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